- What is the national anthem of the United States? 歌歌名是什?
- The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem. 典礼在国歌的歌声中结束。
- "The Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France. "马赛进行曲"是法国国歌。
- The championship is from Hongkong China. Please stand for the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. 冠军是中国香港选手,请。
- Please rise for the national flag and national anthem of the People's Republic of China! 请大家起立,升中华人民共和国国旗,奏中华人民共和国国歌!
- The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting. 会议结束时唱国歌。
- What is the name of the National Anthem? 美国国旗用甚么名称?
- The national anthem is sung at the close of the meeting. 会议结束时唱国歌。
- They usually play the national anthems of the teams at the beginning of a big match. 在大型赛事开始前, 他们通常演奏参赛国国歌。
- Played the national anthems of the Republic of Greece, or the Hellenic Republic flag. 奏希腊共和国国歌,升希腊共和国国旗。
- The band played the national anthem. 乐队奏国歌。
- The station signs on with the playing of the National Anthem. 电台以奏国歌开始一天的广播。
- The meeting will conclude with the National Anthem. 会议将以国歌结束。
- The concert concluded with the National Anthem. 音乐会最后以演奏国歌结束。
- The Central Military Commission (CMC) of the PRC directs and assumes unified command of the nation's armed forces. 中华人民共和国中央军事委员会领导并统一指挥全国武装力量。
- The national anthem of People's Republic of China is worded by Tian-han and composed by Nieer. 中华人民共和国国歌是由田汉作词,聂耳谱曲。
- At the conclusion of the concert, we sang the National Anthem. 音乐会结束时,我们唱国歌。
- The CMC of the PRC directs and assumes unified command of the nation's armed forces. 中华人民共和国中央军事委员会领导并统一指挥全国武装力量。
- The national anthem of People's Republic of China is worded by Tian-han and composed by Nie-er. 中华人民共和国国歌是由田汉作词、聂耳谱曲。
- The town band led off by playing the national anthem. 市乐队以国歌开始他们的演奏。